Neurocoaching: Train your brain and create the life you want using the neuroplasticity of your brain!

Hello, I am Oana Berdilă

My mission is to challenge people to go beyond their own limits, to inspire them to discover new dimensions of their inner self and to motivate them to reinvent themselves from both perspectives, conscious and subconscious, so they can boldly go where they never thought they could go before. 

My challenge for you is:

Be SMART by HEART inspirational coaching with Oana Berdila
Neurocoach| Mentor| Terapeut Transformare Rapidă RTT_Oana Berdilă

Neurocoaching - Your transformation Accelerator

Discover how you can activate your brain through Neurocoaching to get the results you want. Benefit from the latest neuroscientific discoveries regarding the functioning of the brain and concrete solutions for accessing its neural plasticity to unlock your potential. Become the best version of yourself!

Neurocoaching - A fusion of cognitive neuroscience, neuropsychology, coaching, NLP neuro-linguistic programming, cognitive neuroplasticity, RTT rapid transformation hypnotherapy and CBT cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, a combination materialized in the method NeuroSelfRewiring®.

Programare Neuro-Lingvistică NLP
Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy RTT
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy

Whether you need a paradigm shift, a revelation, additional tools to create a concrete plan of action or you are looking for a responsible and experienced partner to guide your steps to achieve what you want in life, whether you want more meaning, direction, motivation, energy, joy and fulfilment, you are in the right place at the right time.

Neurocoaching - Key Benefits

Discover the most important achievements, evidence-based neuroscientific research covering training the brain. You can take advantage of them in solving the challenge you face today. Discover how to activate BRAIN circuits that can help you achieve incredible happiness and success.

Take massive, determined action so you can quickly measure the tangible results generated by the transformation you want. 

Optimizarea performanței_Neurocoaching cu Oana Berdilă

Perform optimally

Reaprinderea pasiunii_Neurocoaching cu Oana Berdilă

Ignite passion

Creșterea veniturilor_Neurocoaching cu Oana Berdilă

Increase income

Definire set valori_Neurocoaching cu Oana Berdilă

Discover core values

Creșterea concentrării_Neurocoaching cu Oana Berdilă

Enhance focus

Diminuarea stresului_Neurocoaching cu Oana Berdilă

Stop worries and diminish stress

Activarea intuiției_Neurocoaching cu Oana Berdilă

Activate intuition

Activare-Dezactivare gene/ ADN_Neurocoaching cu Oana Berdilă

Turn on/off genes

Construirea relațiilor/ Cooperare_Neurocoaching cu Oana Berdilă

Build relationships. Cooperation

Vindecarea traumelor/ Eliminare blocaje emoționale_Neurocoaching_Oana Berdilă

Rewire past trauma. Eliminate emotional blockages

Dezvoltarea abilităților de leader_Neurocoaching cu Oana Berdilă

Develop leadership

Rezolvarea conflictelor_Neurocoaching cu Oana Berdilă

Resolve conflicts

Intensificarea creativității/ Rescrie povestea ta de viață_Neurocoaching cu Oana Berdilă

Turn up creativity. Rewrite your personal story

Îmbunătățirea memoriei/ Învățare rapidă_Neurocoaching cu Oana Berdilă

Enhance your memory/Accelerate learning

Conectare profundă/ Conștientizare_Neurocoaching cu Oana Berdilă

Deeply connect/Awareness

Creșterea calității vieții_Neurocoaching cu Oana Berdilă

Improve life quality

Coerență inimă-minte/ Auto-motivare_Neurocoaching cu Oana Berdilă

Heart-mind coherence. Self-motivation

Descoperirea scopului în viață/ Viziune_Neurocoaching cu Oana Berdilă

Discover life's purpose/ Vision

Atingere obiective în 10 sectoare de viață/ Rezultate masurabile_Neurocoaching cu Oana Berdilă

Set and achieve goals in all 10 areas of life/ Measurable results

Eliminare convingeri și credințe limitative_Neurocoaching cu Oana Berdilă

Clear limiting beliefs

Are you ready for change?

For the last 20 years I have had the privilege of accompanying many people on their successful journey. Their measurable results are my shots of dopamine and serotonin that motivate me to guide any venturesome who is determined to create the life he wants.

Your success is my goal!
hours with clients
Choose to upgrade your life!

For more information about products and prices, please choose one of the options below and apply to schedule a free 20-minute call discovery in which we can determine exactly if the chosen product suits you best, both in terms of your needs as well as from a financial perspective.

Choose to free yourself
Choose to reinvent yourself
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